Evolving Phases of Education - PIET Sanskriti Senior Secondary School

Evolving Phases of Education

Evolving Phases of Education


Education – The source that helps shape up the personality of an individual is also the means that let you have the confidence to earn your living and lead a quality life. Education has evolved over the years with each passing phase of technology, it has lead to an advancement in this very field too.

According to Swami Vivekanand  : “Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in the men.”

Indian Education system has evolved over  passing through four stages the first being the one when gurukuls existed.

Education 1.0 is the  education used to be imparted in Gurukuls earlier where Guru,  the reverend,  will impart the basic knowledge about Vedas and other relevant scriptures in a verbal manner. All the varnas got education as per the level of their duties and jobs. Thus people gained skills as per the requirement of their jobs that they were supposed to perform. And thus the education system which was majorly teacher centered evolved and prevailed during the first phase.

The next phase of education began with the printing press in India. As the Britishers inhabited this Golden land of ours. they also introduced the system of textbooks and made English the medium of communication through various acts and charters launched at that very time. But still during this phase the system did not lay emphasis on learner centered environment or approach. Rote Learning only was the main strategy that students indulged in rather than experiencing the things in a practical manner and executing and adapting the same in the education system.

But  the boom of technology in 90s gave way to computers and Internet which transformed the way we looked at or perceive this very system of education.

Internet brought a revolution in education technology and with its onset the never taught ways of teaching were discovered and the teachers merely took the roles of the facilitators. Thus teaching and learning became more student oriented and learner – centric.

Still the need was felt years after for a major switch in the system of education and thus with the pandemic hitting the world, the world experienced and opened the doors to online platforms of education which revolutionized the entire concept of acquiring knowledge . Blended techniques and flipped based classrooms totally flipped the system to impart education and also the launch of new Education Policy is further supposed to bring no of transitions in the system which will definitely pave way to the education era 4.0 in entirety where students will be more future ready and skilled.

Thus aligning the education system with the emerging fourth industrial revolution. A scale up way of learning, exploration, research, experiential learning, etc will add to this dimension and will be an indispensable source to be tapped to make the students skilled and future ready in the times to come.

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