Husband’s Name: Mr Vishagrah Tyagi
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Teaching Strategies in Home-Science
- Digital Learning and Management
- Strengthening Reading Competency
- Item Writing-Multiple Choice Questions
- Understanding Multiple Intelligence
- Selection of Effective Teaching-Learning Material
- Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Schools
- Life Skills,
- Career Guidance in Schools
- Values Education and its Significance
- Story Telling in Classroom
- Effective Communication Skills
- Importance of Personal Hygiene and Nutrition
- 21st Century Skills
- Effective Communication Skills
- Effective Communication Skills
- Teaching Strategies in Hindi (Secondary Level)
- Community Outreach Program
- Teaching Strategies in English (Secondary Level)
- Hindi Bhasha Me Lekhan Tatha Sahitya Srijan
- Promoting Mental Health
- Fostering Critical and Creative Literacy
- Constructivism
- Embracing Multilingualism in Classrooms
- Developing Scientific Temperament
- Anger free schools
- Blooms Taxonomy and its Application
- Teaching Strategies for Students with Hearing Impairment
- CBSE Artificial Intelligence
Duration of the Training: 35 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Competency Based Education Module 1
- HR_Sec_5E_Understanding Secondary
- CBSE_I_SEC_C4_Art Integrated Learning
- Introduction to Foundational Literacy Camp Numeracy
- CBSE_IND_SEC_Personal-Social Qualities for Holistic Development
- CBSE_IND_SEC_ICT in Teaching-Learning and Assessment
- CBSE_IND_SEC_Curriculum and Inclusive
- Environmental Hazards of Electronic Waste (e-waste)
- GJ_School Based Assessment
- Competency-based Education-Module 2,3 and 4
- Experiential Learning Course
- शिक्षक- एक शोधकर्ता
- Integration of ICT in Teaching
- Learning and Assessment
- Pedagogy of Language
- Pedagogy of Environmental Studies
- Health and Well Being in Schools
Name of the Training attended INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Schoology
- Road to Become a Super Teacher of 21st Century
- Perspective Building
- Impartus Education System
- Hire me
- Spellathon India
- ERP Management System
- Extra marks Smart Classes
- Private Publishers’ Book review
- Seminars and Workshops Conducted by In-house Faculty of PIET College at PIET Campus,
- Training on Happy Classrooms by Bobby Ma’am
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 39
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 22
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE: 20
Father/ Husband Name: Mr Dinesh Mishra
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Role of theatre and drama in Classroom
- Teaching Strategies in Mathematics
- Life skills
- Education for peace
- Basics in Accountancy
- Story telling in classroom,
- Role of guidance and counselling services in school
- Teaching strategies for students with Visual Impairment
- Teaching Strategies in English, Portfolio and Subject enrichment activities
- Protection of Child rights
- Deliberating on ethics and integrity
- Decision making skills in Adolescents
- Multiple intelligences
- Strengthening reading Competency
- Essential components of a lesson plan
- Teaching Strategies in social science
- Importance of personal hygiene and nutrition
- Environmental education in Practice
- 21st century skills
- Pedagogy and planning in physical education
- Content and Time management
- Practicing blended learning
- Promoting mental health
- Addressing socio-emotional needs of students
- Stress Management techniques
Duration of the Training organized by CBSE: 27 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Competency Based Education
- Toy-based Pedagogy
- How to create language learning content
- Health and well-being in schools
- Appropriate Behaviors-Covid
- Digital teaching Training
- Art and Music
- Initiative in School Education
- Pedagogy of language
- Experiential learning course
- Stress Management
- Private hospital Training toolkit
- Responsive Behaviors
- Preschool Education
- Integration of ICT in teaching
- Essentials of Covid
- School Based assessment
- Nuskhe bade kaam ke- Module 1
Duration of the Training organized by DIKSHA: 20 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Happy classroom
- Classroom management
- Story telling
- Super teachers
Duration of the Training organized INHOUSE: 12 hours
Total number of trainings of CBSE: 27
Total number of trainings of DIKSHA: 19
Total number of trainings of NISHTHA: 0
Total number of trainings of IN HHOUSE: 4
Husband Name: Mr Rachit Gupta
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Effective Communication skills
- Art Integration Across Curriculum
- Reading Competency
- Teaching Strategies in English (Secondary level)
- Selection of Effective teaching-learning material
- Essential Components of a Lesson plan
- Connecting and communicating with parents
- Happy Teachers happy classroom
- Role of guidance and career counselling services in schools
- Library as an asset for research and learning
- Role of theatre and drama in classroom
- Story telling in classroom
Duration of the Training organized by CBSE:12 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Competency Based Education Module 1
Duration of the Training organized by DIKSHA: 3 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Workshop on AI,
- Workshop on Internet/AI
- Role of Career Guidance
- Road to become a super teacher
- Lesson planning
- Interdisciplinary approach
Duration of the Training organized INHOUSE: 18 hours
Total number of trainings of CBSE: 12
Total number of trainings of DIKSHA: 1
Total number of trainings of NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings of IN HHOUSE: 6
Father/ Husband Name: Mr Satnam Singh
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Education for Peace
- Strengthening Reading Competency
- Deliberating on Ethics and Integrity
- 21st Century Skills
- Fostering Critical and Creative Literacy
- Stress Management Techniques
- Managing Change
- Effective Communication Skills
- Importance of Gratitude
- Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Schools
- Life Skills
- Pre-school Teaching Methodology
- Addressing Challenges in Post COVID Schooling
- Salient Features of National Education Policy 2020
- Practicing Blended Learning
- Happy teachers creating happy spaces
- Community Outreach Program
- Gamification in Learning
- Digital Learning and Management
- Teaching Strategies in English (Secondary Level)
- Pre-school Teaching Methodology
- Importance of Personal Hygiene and Nutrition
- Role of Theatre and Drama in Classroom
- Experiential Learning in Practice
- Cyber Security and Ethics
- Blooms Taxonomy and its Application
- Child Psychology – Understanding Developmental Stages
- Teaching Strategies in English (Sr. Secondary)
- Anger free schools
- Connecting and Communicating with Parents
- Values Education and its Significance
- Teaching Strategies in Social Science (Secondary Level)
Duration of the Trainings: 64 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Competency Based Education Module 1
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) Appreciate
- CBSE Reading Challenge 3.0
Duration of the Trainings: 9 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Building capacity programme
- Inclusion and Inclusive Education
- Effective Learning
- Interdisciplinary workshop
- Road to become a super teacher
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 32
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 3
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE: 5
Father/ Husband Name: Mr Gurjit Singh Dhaliwal
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Setting learning outcomes in teaching learning
- Teaching Strategies for students with Visual impairment
- Pedagogy and planning in physical education
- Gamification in learning
- Importance of personal hygiene and nutrition
- Education for peace
- Life skills
- Item writing multiple choice persons
- Child psychology: Understanding development stages
- Developing resonance in students
- Portfolio and subject enrichment activities
- Role of theatre and drama in classroom
- Art integration in schools
- Digital library
- Teaching and learning styles
- Hindi bhasha mein lekhan tatha. Sahitya srijan
- Constructivism
- Teaching strategy for students with autism spectrum disorders
- Teaching strategies in Punjabi Lgan, Lgakhar and word formation
- Strengthening reading competency
- Teaching strategies in Hindi secondary level
- Connecting and communicating with parents.
- Developing scientific temperament
- Silent features of national education policy 2020
- Using teacher energize resources manual science secondary
- Joyful mathematics
- Please cool teaching mythology
- Values education and its significance
- Anger free schools
- Community outreach program
- Essential components of a lesson plan
- Story telling in classroom
Duration of training organized by CBSE: 39 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- CBSE Heritage
- India quiz 2012-2022 CBSE
- Science challenge
- Learning outcomes and pedagogy
- Developing social personal qualities and creating safe and healthy school environment
- Pedagogy of science
- Quarantine and isolation
- Private Hospital training tool kit
- Learning at the learning outcomes and pedagogy
- Competency-based education module-4
- School-based assessment
- Science challenge
- Art integrated learning
- Initiatives in school education
- Pedagogy of environmental studies.
- Pedagogy of mathematics
- COVID-19 stress management-Hindi
- Competency based education module 2
- Competency based education module 3
- Health and well-being in school
- Pedagogy of Language
- Essentials of Covid
- Artificial intelligence
- AI Aware
- Experiential learning course
- Pregnancy and COVID-19
- Learning outcomes and pedagogy of an environment
- Studies integration of ICT in teaching
- earning and assessment
- प्रतिभागी विवरण – रक्षा
- मंत्रालय.पर्यावरण अध्ययन का शिक्षाशास्त्र.प्रतिभागी विवरण – युवा कार्य और खेल मंत्रालय
- पीपीई के माध्यम से संक्रमण की रोकथाम
- कला सामेकित शिक्षा . सी.बी.एस.ई.
- पठन प्रतियोगिता
Duration of the Training organized by DIKSHA: 25 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Work Shop on AI
- Work shop on Internet
- AI IBM Skill build
- Webinar glossing the conduct of boards examination
- Role of carrier guidance
- Road to become a successful teacher.
Duration of the Training organized INHOUSE: 1 hour each
Total number of trainings of CBSE: 39
Total number of trainings of DIKSHA: 25
Total number of trainings of NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings of IN HHOUSE: 6
Husband’s Name: Sh. Jai Dayal
Training attended by CBSE:
- Salient Features
- Teaching Strategies in Hindi
- Understanding Multiple Intelligence
- AI Integrated (Intel)
- Essential Components of lesson Plan
- Hindi Bhasha Me lekhan Tatha Sahitya Srijan
- Effective communication skills.
- Story telling
- Role of Theatre and Drama
- Decision Making
- Art Integrated learning
- 21st Century skill
- Content and Time Management
- Anger free schools
- Addressing Challenges in Post Covid
- Item writing multiple-choice questions
- Portfolio and Subject Enrichment Activities
- Happy Teacher Creates Happy Classrooms
- Value Education and its Significance
- Digital learning
- Life skill
- Practicing Blended Learning
- Health Promoting Schools
- Working learning with disabilities
- Role of Guidance and Counseling Service in Schools
- Fostering Critical and Creative Literacy
- Art Integration across Curriculum
- Digital Library
- Deliberating on Ethics and Integrity
- Know your Classroom Management Style
- Gamification in Learning
- Environmental Education in Practice
- The Values to Recon
- Need of value education
- Art Integration in Schools
- Teaching Strategies in Hindi (Secondary Level)
- Carrier Guidance in Schools
- Cyber Security and Ethics
- Decoding NCF 2023 for Schools
Duration of the Training: 39 hours
Training attended by DIKSHA:
- CBSE Heritage
- India quiz 2122
- CBSE science challenge
- Learning outcomes and pedagogy
- Developing social personal qualities and creating safe and healthy school environment
- Pedagogy of science
- AEES-school Leadership: concept and Applications
- Initiative in school Education
- Private Hospital training tool kit IGOT
- Learning outcomes and pedagogy
- Competency-based education module-4
- School-based assessment
- CBSE Reading challenge
- Art integrated learning
- Pedagogy of environmental studies
- Pedagogy of mathematics
- COVID-19
- Stress management-Hindi
- Competency based education module-1
- Competency based education module 2
- Competency based education module 3
- Health and well-being in school
- Pedagogy of Language
- Essentials of Covid
- Artificial Intelligence
- AI Aware
- Experiential learning course
- Learning outcomes and pedagogy of Science
- Pedagogy of environment studies
- Integration of ICT in teaching
- Learning and assessment
- G-SEC-C10-School Based Assessment
- CBSE Pre vocational Education
- Pre-School Education
- COVID Awareness – Hindi,
- उपचारात्मक शिक्षण पाठ्यचर्या और समावेशी कक्षा ,
- प्रक्रिया का खेल
- रंगों के साथ मेल
- 2020 कला सामेकित शिक्षा. सी.बी.एस.ई. पठन प्रतियोगिता
- सामाजिक विज्ञानं का शिक्षण शास्त्र
- भाषा शिक्षण शास्त्र
- विद्यालय नेतृत्त्व -संकल्पना और अनुप्रयोग
- पूर्व प्राथमिक शिक्षा
- विज्ञानं का शिक्षा शास्त्र
- विद्यालय आधारित आकलन
- पर्यावरण अध्ययन का शिक्षाशास्त्र
- अधिकारों की समझ
- यौन शोषण और पोक्सो अधिनियम
Training attended INHOUSE:
- Bloom Taxonomy
- Workshop on AI
- Workshop on Internet IBM Skill Building
- Webinar glossing the conduct of Boards Examination
- Road to become a Super Teacher
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 39
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 50
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 06
Father/ Husband Name: Mr. Parmod Kumar
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Role of Theatre and Drama in Classroom
- Fostering Critical and Creative Literacy
- Pedagogy and Planning in Physical Education
- Stress Management Techniques
- Story Telling in Classroom
- Item Writing-Multiple Choice Questions
- Deliberating on Ethics and Integrity
- Environmental Education in Practice
- Gamification in Learning
- Selection of Effective Teaching-Learning Material
- Cyber Security and Ethics
- Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Schools
- Managing Change
- 21st Century Skills
- Happy Teacher Creates Happy Classrooms
- Education for Peace, Importance of Gratitude
- Anger free schools
- Using Teacher Energized Resource Manual – Science Secondary
- Classroom Management
- Life Skills
- Joyful Mathematics
- The Values to Reckon
- Need of value education
- Protection of Child Rights
- Deliberating on Ethics and Integrity
- Teaching Strategies in Hindi (Secondary Level)
- Digital Library
- Importance of Personal Hygiene and Nutrition
- Blooms Taxonomy and its Application
- Experiential Learning in Practice
- Practicing Blended Learning
- Components of lesson plan
- Effective Communication Skills
- Focusing on Competency Based Education
- Teaching Strategies in Mathematics (Secondary Level)
- Connecting and Communicating with Parents
- Addressing Socio-Emotional Needs of Students
- Constructivism
- Teaching Strategies in English (Secondary Level)
- Developing Scientific Temperament
Duration of the Training organized by CBSE: 38 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Health and Well Being in Schools Module 1
- GA_6-कला समेककत किक्षा
- AEES-Preschool
- Education
- Pedagogy of Language
- Essentials of COVID
- Learning Outcomes and Pedagogies
- Pedagogy of Language
- Competency-based Education-Module 2
- Covid-19: Behaviour
- Practices as a part of New Normal
- AEES-Initiatives in School Education
- Competency-based Education-Module 4
- Experiential Learning Course
- GA 4-Integrating Gender in the Teaching Learning Process
- Learning Outcomes and Pedagogies
- Integration of ICT in Teaching
- Learning and Assessment
- Learning Outcomes and Pedagogies
- Health and Well Being in Schools
- An initiative in School Education
- Competency-based Education- Module 3,
- GJ-Art Integrated Learning
- COVID-19 Stress Management- Hindi
- Competency based Education-Module 1,
- GA_4-किक्षण-अकिगम प्रकिया मेंजेंडर आयामों की प्रासंकगकता
- Basics of COVID-19
- ICT In Teaching Learning- Google-Drive, Docs
Duration of the Training organized by DIKSHA: 33 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Powerschool meeting
- Different statergies
- सुश्रीहेलन के लर
- Story telling
Duration of the Trainings organized INHOUSE: 9 hours
Total number of trainings of CBSE: 28
Total number of trainings of DIKSHA: 33
Total number of trainings of NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings of IN HHOUSE: 4
Father’s Name: Mr. Puran Chand
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Effective communication skills
- Role of guidance and counseling service in schools
- Storytelling in classroom
- Teaching strategies in Hindi
- Using Teacher Energized Resource Manual- Science Upper Primary
- Importance of Personal Hygiene and nutrition
- Hindi Bhasha Me Lekhan Tatha Sahitya Srijan
- Health Promoting Schools
- Decision Making Skills in Adolescents
- Hindi Bhasha Me Lekhan Tatha Sa hitya Srijan
- Art integration as ross Curriculum
Duration of the Training: 11 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
Total number of trainings of CBSE: 11
Total number of trainings of DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings of NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings of IN HHOUSE: 02
Father/Husband Name: Mr Ashish Jain
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Promoting Mental Health
- Decision Making Skills in Adolescents
- Career Guidance in Schools
- Education for Peace
- Understanding Multiple Intelligence
- Happy Teacher Creates Happy Classrooms
- Life Skills
- Teaching Strategies in Mathematics (Secondary Level)
- The Values to Reckon
- Need of value education
- Developing Resilience in Students
- Item Writing-Multiple Choice Questions
- Selection of Effective Teaching-Learning Material
- Protection of Child Rights
- Cyber Security and Ethics
- 21st Century Skills
- Joyful Mathematics
- Gamification in Learning
- Addressing Socio-Emotional Needs of Students
- Effective Communication Skills
- Promoting Mental Health
- Classroom Management
- Practicing Blended Learning
- Importance of Personal Hygiene and Nutrition
- Community Outreach Program Working with Learning Disabilities
- Strengthening Reading Competency
- Connecting and Communicating with Parents
- Focusing on Competency Based Education
- Role of Theatre and Drama in Classroom
- Essential Components of a Lesson Plan Managing Change
- Teaching Strategies for Students with Intellectual Disability
- Embracing Multilingualism in Classrooms
- Fostering Critical and Creative Literacy
- Salient Features of National Education Policy 2020
- Blooms Taxonomy and its Application
- Setting Learning Outcomes in Teaching – Learning
- Digital Learning and Management
- Environmental Education in Practice
- Anger free schools
- Teaching and Learning Styles
- Setting Outcomes in Teaching – Learning
- Story Telling in Classroom
- Values Education and its Significance
- Library an Asset for Research and Learning
- Constructivism, Art Integration across Curriculum
- Experiential Learning in Practice
- Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Schools
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- COVID19- Responsive Behaviors
- Curriculum and Inclusive Classrooms
- परियोजना-आधारित अधिगम (उत्तर प्रदेश)
- CBSE_Covid-19 Scenario: Addressing Challenges in School Education
- Competency based Education-Module 1
- Competency-based Education-Module 2
- AS_ Integration of ICT in Teaching, Learning and Assessment
- Pedagogy of Science
- Developing Social-Personal Qualities and Creating Safe and Healthy School Environment
- चिंतन: सीखने का ज़रिया
- Experiential Learning Course
- DC2020-A06-How to Create Practice Content – Mathematics – Grades 6-10 – English Medium
- DC2020-A05-How to Create Explanation Content – Mathematics – Grades 6-10 – English Medium
- 2020_COVID-19 Stress Management- English
- Integration of ICT in Teaching, Learning and Assessment
- मैगज़ीन
- समय
- 2020_Appropriate behaviors– COVID
- Learning Outcomes and Pedagogies
- Batch 1- Learning Outcomes
- Pedagogy of Mathematics
- Pedagogy of Environmental Studies
- Essentials of COVID iGOT
- Pedagogy of Language
- AS_Art Integrated Learnings
- Competency-based Education-Module 2
- COVID-19 Stress Management
- Initiatives in School Education
- Competency-based Education-Module 4
- Competency-based Education-Module 3
- Health and Well Being in Schools
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE:
- Workshop on AI
- Road to become a successful teacher
- Role of career guidance
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 47
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 31
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 3
Husband’s Name: Mr. Naveen Kapoor
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Teaching and Learning Styles
- Teaching Strategies in Mathematics (Secondary Level)
- Understanding Multiple Intelligence
- Selection of Effective Teaching-Learning Material
- Cyber Security and Ethics
- Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Schools
- Constructivism
- Item Writing Multiple Choice Questions
- Library: An Asset for Research and Learning
- Gamification in Learning
- Community Outreach Program
- 21st Century Skills
- Fostering Critical and Creative Literacy
- Teaching Strategies in Mathematics
- Blooms Taxonomy and its Application
- Developing Scientific Temperament
- Decision Making Skills in Adolescents
- Stress Management at Work
Duration of the Training: 20 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Experiential Learning Course
- JH_Action Research CPD
- (NEW) Mathematics
- Competency Based Education Module 1, 2, 3, 4
- Artificial Intelligence
- Critical Thinking
- CBSE Science Challenge
Duration of the Training: 29 hours
Name of the Training attended INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Schoology
- Perspective Building
- Impartus Education System
- ERP Management System
- Extra marks Smart Classes
- Interdisciplinary Approach
- Private Publishers’ Book review
- Seminars and Workshops Conducted by In-house Faculty of PIET College at PIET Campus,
- Training on Happy Classrooms by Bobby Ma’am
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 19
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 10
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE: 9
Father/Husband Name: Mr Tarun Nandwani
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Decoding NCF 2023 for schools
- Role of guidance and counseling services in schools
Duration of the Training organized by CBSE: 2 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY
- Road to super teacher 2023
- Story Writing
Duration of the Training organized INHOUSE: 2 hours
Total number of trainings of CBSE: 2
Total number of trainings of DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings of NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings of IN HHOUSE: 2
Father/ Husband Name: Mr. Ankit Sharma
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- 21st Century Skills
- Developing Scientific Temperament
- Teaching Strategies in Science (Secondary Level)
- Child Psychology-Understanding Developmental Stages
- Happy Teacher Creates Happy Classrooms
- Focusing on Competency Based Education
- Deliberating on Ethics and Integrity
- Role of Guidance and Counseling Services in Schools
- Using Teacher Energized Resource Manual – Science Secondary
- Item Writing-Multiple Choice Questions
- Teaching Strategies in Biology (Sr. Secondary)
- Cyber Security and Ethics
- Experiential Learning in Practice
- Connecting and Communicating with Parents
- Stress Management Techniques
- Decision Making Skills in Adolescents
- Salient Features of National Education Policy 2020
- Environmental Education in Practice
Duration of the Training: 18 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Art Integrated Learning Module 1
Duration of the Training: 4 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 18
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 1
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: NIL
Father/Husband Name: Mr. R.M. Kundu
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Role of guidance and counselling,
- NCF2023
Duration of the Training: 8 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Schoology
- How frame lesson plan
- Parents orientation
- Embibe
Duration of the Training: 22 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 02
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 04
Father/Husband Name: Mr. Baldev Raj Nanda
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Role of Guidance and Counselling services in the school
- Decoding NCF 2023 for schools
Duration of the Training:4 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Interdisciplinary Approach
- Road to become a super teacher
- Schoology
- How to frame Lesson plan
- Parents Orientation
- Embibe
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 02
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 06
Father/Husband Name: Mr Devender Sharma
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Leadership – Leading from the Front
- Constructivism
- Health Promoting Schools
- Addressing Socio-Emotional Needs of Students
- Effective Communication Skills
- Fostering Critical and Creative Literacy
- Classroom Management
- Anger free schools
- Happy Teacher Creates Happy Classrooms
- Role of Theatre and Drama in Classroom
- Content and Time Management
- Connecting and Communicating with Parents
- Leadership
- Embracing Multilingualism in Classrooms
- Importance of Personal Hygiene and Nutrition
- Item Writing-Multiple Choice Questions
- Life Skills
- Multiple Intelligences
- Gamification in Learning
- Teaching Strategies for Students with Intellectual Disability
- Addressing Socio-Emotional Needs of Students
- Role of Theatre and Drama in Classroom
- Stress Management Techniques
- Teaching Strategies in Social Science (Secondary Level)
- Selection of Effective Teaching-Learning Material
- Components of lesson plan
- 21st Century Skills
- Salient Features of National Education Policy 2020
- Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Schools
- Effective Communication Skills
- Understanding Multiple Intelligence
- Happy teachers creating happy spaces
- Environmental Education in Practice
- Education for Peace
- Decision Making Skills in Adolescents
- Basics in Accountancy
- Deliberating on Ethics and Integrity
Duration of the Training: 45 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Pedagogy of environmental studies
- Health and well being in schools
- Experiential learning course
- Initiatives in school education
- Stress management
- CBSE heritage India
- CBSE reading challenge 2.0
- Competency based education Module-1
- Competency based education Module-2
- Competency based education Module-3
- Competency based education Module-4
- Initiatives in school education
- Vidhya mein nayi pehle
- Artificial intelligence
- AI awareness
- Essentials of disaster management
- How to create explanation content in Social Science
- Samajh se padne ki runnitiya
- CBSE school based assessment
- ICT tools in teaching
- Developing social personal qualities
- Critical pedagogy
- Art integration learning
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Workshop on Intel
- AI ibm skill build
- Webinar glossing the conduct of board examination
- Role of carrier guidance
- Road to become a successful teacher
- Workshop on Schoology
- Road safety
- Interdisciplinary
- Digital portfolio
Duration of the Training: 20 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 37
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 23
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 9
Husband Name: Mr. Dharmpal
Name of the Trainings attended by CBSE:
- Capacity Building Program on Social Science
- Capacity Building Program on Political Science
- Capacity Building Program on Career Guidance
- Capacity Building Program on Inclusion and inclusive
- Career Guidance in schools
- Art Integration Across Curriculum
- Child Psychology- Understanding developmental stages
- Gamification in Learning
- Item Writing –Multiple Choice questions
- Managing Change
- Stress Management Techniques
- Deliberating on Ethics and Integrity
- Teaching Strategies in Social Science (Secondary Level)
- Leadership- leading from the front
- Role of Theatre and Drama in Classroom
- Role of Guidance and counselling services in schools
- Cyber security and ethics
- Addressing socio emotional needs of the students
- Teaching strategies in History, Teaching and learning styles
- Constructivism
- Content and Time Management
- Digital Learning and Management
- 21st Century Skills
- Importance of Gratitude
- Values Education and its significance
- Developing Scientific Temperament
- Essential components of a lesson plan
- Protection of child rights
- Happy Teacher Creates Happy Classrooms
- Storytelling in classroom
- Developing resilience in students
- Working with learning disabilities.
Duration of the Training hours organized by CBSE: 61 Hours
Total number of trainings of CBSE: 33
Total number of trainings of DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings of NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE: NIL
Father Name: Mr. Yashvir Sangwan
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Role of guidance and counselling services in schools
- Stress management at work
- Deliberating on ethics and integrity
- Promoting mental health
Duration of the Training:8 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Competency Based Education
- Learning outcomes and pedagogies
- Introduction to foundation literacy
- Initiatives in School education
- Pedagogy of language
- Experiential learning course
- CBSE Art integrated learning
- CBSE preschool education
Duration of the Training: 50 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Interdisciplinary approach
- Lesson plan
Duration of the Training: 8 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 04
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 08
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE: 02
Father Name: Mr Rajesh Chopra
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Decision making skills in adolescents
- Deliberating on ethics and integrity
- Cyber security and ethics
- Effective communication skills
- Anger free schools
- Values education and its significance
- Role of guidance and counselling services in schools
- Addressing socio-emotional needs of students
- Items writing multiple choice questions
- Art integration across curriculum
- Story telling in classrooms
- Understanding multiple intelligence
- Gamification in learning
- Practicing blended learning
- Experiential learning in practice
- Role of theatre and drama in classrooms
- Developing Resilience in students
- Connecting and communicating with parents
- Working with learning disabilities
- Happy teachers create happy classrooms
- Importance of gratitude
- Environmental education in practice
- Stress management techniques
- Role of Guidance and counselling services in schools
Duration of the Training organized by CBSE: 48 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Experiential learning course
Duration of the Training organized by DIKSHA: 3 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Inter disciplinary approach
- Story telling
- Happy classrooms
- AI awareness
- Schoology
- Lesson Planning
- STEM teaching workshop
- Master parent teacher interaction
- Virtual Schooling
- Traditional teaching to 21st century teaching
- Gender sensitivity
Duration of the Training: 21 hours
Total number of trainings of CBSE: 24
Total number of trainings of DIKSHA: 1
Total number of trainings of NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings of IN HHOUSE: 11
Father/Husband Name: Mr Harpreet Singh
Name of the Training attended by CBSE :
- Role of Theatre and Drama in Classroom
- Digital Library
- Health Promoting Schools
- Education for Peace
- Deliberating on Ethics and Integrity
- Understanding Multiple Intelligence
- Life Skills
- Effective Communication Skills
- Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Schools
- Adopting Inclusive Practices in Classroom
- Protection of Child Rights
- Item Writing-Multiple Choice Questions
- Art Integration in Schools
- Salient Features of National Education Policy 2020
- Environmental Education in Practice
- Promoting Mental Health
- Decision Making Skills in Adolescents
- Story Telling in Classroom
- Teaching Strategies in Social Science (Secondary Level)
- Connecting and Communicating with Parents
- Counselling Approaches
Duration of the Training: 25 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- GJ_School Based Assessment
- Competency-based Education-Module 1,2,3
- Developing Social-Personal Qualities and Creating Safe and Healthy School Environment
- Experiential Learning Course
- Initiatives in School Education
- 2020_Appropriate behaviors – COVID
- Pedagogy of Language
- Health and Well Being in Schools
- Learning Outcomes and Pedagogies
Duration of the Training: 13 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Interdisciplinary Approach,
- Schoology,
- Digital Portfolio.
- Lesson Plan
- To be a Super Hero
Duration of the Training: 22 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 21
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 10
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE: 05
Father/Husband Name: Mr. Vipun
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Constructivism
- Developing Resilience in students
- Effective Communication skills
- Managing change
- Basics in Accountancy
- Practicing Blended Learning
- Digital Learning and Management
- Decision making Skills in Adolescents
- Understanding multiple intelligence
- Role of Guidance and Counselling services in schools
- Selection of Effective Teaching Learning Material
- Content and Time management
- Importance of Gratitude
- Deliberating on Ethics and Integrity
- Connecting and Communicating with parents
- Promoting mental health
- Art integration in Schools
- Role of Theatre and Drama in Classroom
- Bloom Taxonomy and its Application
- Strengthening Reading Competency
- Teaching and Learning styles
- Experiential Learning in Practice
- Gamification in Learning
- Career guidance in Schools
- Happy teacher creates happy Classrooms
- Cyber security and ethics
- Joyful mathematics
- Addressing Socio- Emotional needs of students
- Child Psychology understanding Developmental Stages
- Essential Components of Lesson Plan
- Story telling in classroom
- Employability Skills
Duration of the Training: 34 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Competency based education (Module 1 to 4)
- Experiential Learning Course
- Artificial Intelligence Aware
- Artificial Intelligence Appreciate
- TR Covid-19
Duration of the Training: 9 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Workshop on Accountancy
- Accountancy and Business studies and Economics
- Interdisciplinary Approach
- Schoology
- Digital Portfolio
Duration of the Training: 22 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 33
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 9
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 4
Husband Name: Mr. Rahul Arora
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Cyber Security and Ethics
- Effective Communication Skills
- Life Skills
- Developing Scientific Temperament
- Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Schools
- Education for Peace
- Library an Asset for Research and Learning
- Developing Resilience in Students
- Connecting and Communicating with Parents
- Career Guidance in Schools
- Digital Learning and Management
- Gamification in Learning
- Stress Management Techniques
- Working with Learning Disabilities
- Blooms Taxonomy and its Application
- Importance of Personal Hygiene and Nutrition
- Content and Time Management
- Decision Making Skills in Adolescents
- Practicing Blended Learning
- Embracing Multilingualism in Classrooms
- Joyful Mathematics
- Experiential Learning in Practice
- Teaching and Learning Styles
- Salient Features of National Education Policy 2020
- Anger free schools
- Adopting Inclusive Practices in Classroom
- Art Integration across Curriculum
- Role of Theatre and Drama in Classroom
- Essential Components of a Lesson Plan
- Setting Outcomes in Teaching – Learning
- Values Education and its Significance
- Happy Teacher Creates Happy Classrooms
- Promoting Mental Health
- 21st Century Skills
- Basics in Accountancy
- Constructivism
- Employability Skills
- National Innovation and Entrepreneurship promotion policy
- Industry engagement and technology exposure program for cbse students
- Skills Modules in School
Duration of the Training: 42 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
Duration of the Training: 4 hours
Name of the Training attended INHOUSE:
- Digital Portfolio
- Schoology
- Interdisciplinary approach
Name of the Training attended in OTHER AGENCY:
- Assessment and Evaluation Practices (2022-23)
- Effective Parenting
Duration of the Training: 18 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 40
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 1
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 3+2
Father/ Husband Name: Mr. Gourav Duggal
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Role of Guidance and Counselling services in schools
Duration of the Training: 2 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Workshop on Schoology and Digital portfolio
Duration of the Training: 4 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 1
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE: 1
Father’s Name: Mr. Arvind Bhatia
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Role of Guidance and Counseling Services in Schools
Duration of the Training: 2.5 hours
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Interdisciplinary workshop
- Road to become a super teacher
- Schoology
- Workshop on Psychological Well-Being by Lok Sabha Secretariat
Duration of the Training: 18 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 1
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 5
Father/Husband Name: Mr. Pankaj Saneja
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Teaching Strategies in Hindi
- Selection of Effective Teaching learning Material
- Pre- school Teaching Methodology
- Decision Making Skills in Adolescents
- Strengthening Reading Competency
- Story telling in Classroom
- Health Promoting Schools
- Child Psychology – Understanding Developmental Stages
- Promoting Mental Health
- Gamification in Learning
- Teaching Strategies in Mathematics
- Experiential Learning in Practice
- Blooms Taxonomy and it’s Application
- Importance of Personal Hygiene and Nutrition
- Role of Theatre and Drama in classroom
- Happy Teacher creates Happy classrooms
- Working with learning Disabilities
- Promoting Mental Health
- Addressing Socio- Emotional Needs of students
- Connecting and Communicating with Parents
- Life Skills
Duration of the Training: 21 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Story telling in Classroom
- A Road to become Super Teacher
- Thematic Lesson Plan
Duration of the Training: 16 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 21
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 03
Father/Husband Name: Mr Bijender Ahlawat
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Role of theatre and drama in classroom
- 21st century skills
- Connecting and communicating with parents
- Selection of effective teaching and learning material
- Environment Education in practice
- Content and time management
- Effective communication skills
- Role of guidance and counselling services in school
- Career guidance in schools
- Teaching strategies in mathematics
- Healthy Promoting schools
- Anger free school’s
- Story telling in classroom
- Happy teacher creates happy classroom
- Importance of personal hygiene and nutrition
- Decision making skills in Adolescents
- Preschool teaching methodology
- Value Education and its significance
- Child psychology understanding developmental stages
- Teaching and learning styles
- Preschool teaching methodology
Duration of the Training: 21 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- A road to become a super teacher.
- Thematic lesson plan
Duration of the Training: 12hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 21
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 02
Father/Husband Name: S. Bhupinder Singh
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Effective Communication skills
- Story Telling in Classroom
- Teaching Strategies in English
- Cyber Security and Ethics
- Anger Free Schools
- Experiential Learning Practice
- Role of Theatre and Drama in Classroom
- Teaching and Learning Styles
- Content and Time Management
- Happy Teacher Creates Happy Classrooms
- Decision Making Skills in Adolescents
- Pre-school Teaching Methodology
- Focusing on Competency Based Education
- 21st century Skills, Importance of Gratitude
- Teaching Strategies in Mathematics
- Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Schools
Duration of the Training: 17.5 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- A Road to become a Super Teacher of 21st Century
- Thematic Lesson Plans
- Story Telling in Classroom
Duration of the Training: 16 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 17
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 3
Father/Husband Name: Mr. Tarun Nagpal
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Role of guidance and counselling services in schools
- Cyber security and ethics
- Content and time management
- Health Promoting schools
- Role of theatre and drama in classroom
- Focusing on competency based education
- Developing Resilience in students
- Story telling in classroom
- Anger free schools
- Connecting and communicating with parents
- Understanding Multiple Intelligence
- Blooms Taxonomy and its Application
- Decision Making skills in Adolescents
- Happy teachers create happy classrooms
- Salient features of National Education Policy 2020
- Constructivism
- Art Integration across Curriculum
- Effective Communication skills
- 21st Century Skills
- Importance of Gratitude
Duration of the Training: 21 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- A road to become a super teacher
- Thematic lesson Plans
- Story telling in the Classroom
Duration of the Training: 16 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 20
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 03
Name: Ms. DIMPI
Father/ Husband Name: Mr. Baldev Raj
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Selection of effective teaching- learning material
- Teaching strategies in English
- Anger Free Schools
- Connecting and communicating with parents
- Happy Teacher Creates Happy Classrooms
- Decision Making Skills in Adolescents
- Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Schools
- Importance of personal hygiene and Nutrition
- Child psychology – understanding developmental stages
- Multiple intelligence
- Child psychology – understanding developmental stages
Duration of the Training: 11 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Road to become a super teacher of 21st century
- Story telling in classroom
- Thematic lesson planning
- Capacity Building Program on values Education
Duration of the Training: 22 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 11
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 4
Name: Ms. KAVITA
Father/Husband Name: Mr Varender Kumar
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Art integration across curriculum
- Stress Management at work
- Importance of Gratitude
- Connecting and communicating with parents
- Role of guidance and counseling services in schools
- Story telling in Classroom
- Practicing Blended learning
- Pre School Teaching Methodology
- Teaching and learning Styles
- Decision Making Skills in Adolescents
- Content and Time Management
Duration of the Training: 11 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- A Road to become a Super Teacher
- Thematic Lesson Plans
- Story telling in Classroom
Duration of the Training: 16 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 11
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 3
Father/Husband Name: Mr. Rahul Ahuja
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Story Telling In the classroom
- Joyful Mathematics
- Role of guidance and counselling
- Importance of Gratitude
- Decision Making Skills in Adolescents
- Story Telling In the classroom
- Stress Management at work
- Pre School Teaching Methodology
- Addressing Socio-Emotional Need of Students
- Health Promoting Schools
- Essential Components of a lesson plan
- Content and Time Management
- Anger Free Schools
- A Role of Theatre and Drama in Classroom
- Teaching and Learning Styles
Duration of the Training: 16 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- A road to become a super teacher
- Thematic Lesson plan,
- A story telling in the classroom
Duration of the Training: 17 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 17
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 3
Father/Husband Name: Mr. Naresh Nanda
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Competency Based Education Module 1
Duration of the Training: 3 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- A road to become a Super Teacher
- Thematic Lesson plan
Duration of the Training:12 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 01
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 02
Father/ Husband Name: Mr. Shailesh Dubey
Name of the Training attended INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- A road to become Super Teacher
- Thematic Lesson Plan
Duration of the Training: 12 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 02
Father/Husband Name: Sr. Jaswant Singh Pasricha
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Capacity Building Program of Artificial Intelligence-IX, X, XI, XII- 2022
- Employability Skill education- X, XII
- Boot camp for IX, X, XI, XII, CBSE in partnership with Microsoft- Coding Curriculum
- Data Science
- Building 21st CLD Skills and enhancing Reading capabilities
- Emerging AI Tools for Classroom Learning
- Modern workplace program for educators
- Accessibility and special education
- Hybrid Learning
- Basics of Financial and retirement planning (program by NSE)
- School Innovation Council
- Capacity Building Program of Artificial Intelligence-IX, X – 2023
- Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Schools
- Intel AI Curriculum
Duration of the Training: 168.5 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Experiential Learning Course
- CBSE Science Challenge
- PY- School Based Assessment
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) Appreciate Module 1
Duration of the Training: 12 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Juana (Collaboration with Microsoft)
- IBM Artificial Intelligence Training
- KIPS Teachers Training program
- Minecraft Education by KIPS
- Schoology Trainings
- Lesson Plan Training (NCF Curriculum Framework)
- Interdisciplinary Approach
- Unity Hub
- Dive into Metaverse
Duration of the Training: 29 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 23
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 04
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 10
Husband Name: Mr. Harish Nanda
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Capacity Building Program of Artificial Intelligence- IX, X, XI, XII- 2022
- Employability Skill education- X,XII
- Boot camp for IX, X, XI, XII, CBSE in partnership with Microsoft- Coding Curriculum
- Data Science, Building 21 st CLD Skills and enhancing Reading capabilities
- Emerging AI Tools for Classroom Learning
- Modern workplace program for educators
- Accessibility and special education
- Hybrid Learning
- Basics of Financial and retirement planning (program by NSE)
- School Innovation Council
- Capacity Building Program of Artificial Intelligence-IX, X – 2023
- Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Schools
- Intel AI Curriculum
Duration of the Training: 168.5 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Experiential Learning Course
- CBSE Science Challenge
- PY- School Based Assessment
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) Appreciate Module 1
Duration of the Training: 12 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Juana (Collaboration with Microsoft)
- IBM Artificial Intelligence Training
- KIPS Teachers Training program
- Minecraft Education by KIPS
- Schoology Trainings
- Lesson Plan Training (NCF)
- Interdisciplinary Approach
- Unity Hub
- Dive into Metaverse
Duration of the Training: 29 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 23
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 04
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 10
Father/Husband Name: Mr. Ankit
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Capacity Building Program of Artificial Intelligence-IX, X, XI, XII
- Employability Skill education- X, XII
- Boot camp for IX, X, XI, XII
- CBSE in partnership with Microsoft- Coding Curriculum
- Data Science, Reading capabilities
- Emerging AI Tools for Classroom Learning
- Basics of Financial and retirement planning (program by NSE)
- School Innovation Council
- Capacity Building Program of Artificial Intelligence-IX, X – 2023
- Role of Guidance and Counseling Services in Schools
- Intel AI Curriculum
Duration of the Training: 100.5 hours
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI), Appreciate
- Artificial Intelligence (AI), Aware Module 1
Duration of the Training: 10 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- IBM Artificial Intelligence Training
- KIPS Teachers Training program
- Minecraft Education by KIPS
- Schoology Trainings
- Lesson Plan Training (NCF Curriculum Framework)
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 23
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 03
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 10
Name: Ms. ANNU
Father’s Name: Mr. Ajit Pal Singh
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
Duration of the Training: 4.5 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 01
Name: Mr. SAHIL
Father’s Name: Mr. Vinod Kumar
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in School
Duration of the Training: 1.5 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
Duration of the Training: 4.5 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 01
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 01
Name: Ms. BABITA
Father’s Name: Mr. Gulab Chand
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Protection of child rights
- Using teacher energized resource manual
- Teaching strategies in Hindi-1
- Setting learning outcomes in teaching
- The values to reckon, Need of value education
- Essential components of a lesson plan
- Happy teacher creates happy classrooms
- Practicing blended learning
- Importance of gratitude
- Teaching strategies in Home Science
- Cyber security and ethics
- Fostering critical and creative literacy
- Counseling approaches basics in Accountancy
- Managing change
- Connecting and communicating with parents
- Focusing on competency based education
- Teaching strategies for students with hearing impairment
- Environmental education in practice
- Education for peace
- Role of guidance and counseling
- Digital library
- Community outreach program
- Teaching strategies in Hindi-2
- Teaching and learning styles
- Strengthening reading competency
- Addressing socio-emotional needs of students
- Value education and its significance
- Using teacher energized resource manual- Science section
- Promoting mental health
- Pre school teaching methodology
- Item writing multiple choice questions
- Art Integration across curriculum
- Working with learning disabilities
- Teaching strategies in Social Science-2
- Gamification in learning
- Hindi bhasha me lekhan tatha samity srijan
- Developing resilience in students
- Content and time management
- Role of theatre and drama in classroom
- Constructivism
- Importance of personal hygiene and nutrition
- Library and asset for research and learning
- Career guidance in schools
- Salient features of National Education Policy 2020
- Anger free schools
- Teaching strategies in Science-2
- Child Psychology: Understanding Developmental stages
- Story telling in classrooms
- Blooms Taxonomy and its application
- Selection of effective teaching learning materials
Duration of the Training: 52 hours
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
Duration of the Training: 4.5 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 52
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 01
Father/ Husband Name: Mr. Rajesh
Name of the Training attended by CBSE:
- Community Outreach program
- Experiential Learning in practice
- Strengthening Reading Competency
- Digital Learning and Management
- Stress Management Techniques
- 21st century skills
- Library and Asset of Research and Learning
- Teaching Strategies in Social Science
- Classroom Management
- Gamification in Learning
- Life Skills
- Digital Learning and Management
- Salient Features of National Education Policy 2020
- Role of Guidance and Counseling Services in Schools
- Skills
- Library an Asset for Research and Learning
- Life Skills
- Story Telling in Classroom
- Story Telling classroom
- Promoting Mental Health
- Digital Learning and Management
- Understanding Multiple Intelligence
- Constructivism
- Deliberating on Ethics and integrity
- Protection of Child Rights
- Teaching Strategies in Hindi (Secondary Level)
- Digital Learning and Management
- Library Assets for Research and Learning
- Digital Library
- Salient Features of National Education Policy 2020
- Digital Learning and Management
- Career Guidance in School
- Teaching Strategies in Home-Science
- Gamification in Learning
- Cyber Security and Ethics
- Story Telling in Classroom
- Connecting and communicating with parents
- Story telling in classroom
- Digital Learning and Management
- Teaching Strategies in Science
- Decision making skills in Adolescents
- Digital Library
- Protection of Child Rights
- Story Telling in Classroom
Name of the Training attended by DIKSHA:
- Pedagogy of Environmental studies
- Covid Awareness
- Behavior Practices
- Stress Management
- Learning Outcome and Pedagogies
- Health and Well Being in Schools
- Experiential Learning Course
- Integration of ICT in Teaching, Learning
- Pedagogy of Mathematics
- Role of police and special security agencies
- Integration of ICT in Teaching, Learning
- AEES_Pre-vocational education
- An_Pre –vocational education
- Learning Outcomes and Pedagogies
- C6_6 Kala Samekshit Shiksha
- Introduction to foundational Literacy & Numeracy-course
- Pedagogy of Environmental studies
- Pedagogy of Language
- CM RISE- digital shiksha
- Initiatives in school education
- Learning Outcomes and Pedagogy
- Pedagogy of Language
- Initiatives in School Education
- Pratibhagi Vivran- Aayush Mantralay
- Competency-bases Education-Module3
- Developing social- personal qualities and creating
- AR_Pre-vocational education
- DL_Pre- vocational education
- COVID-19 Infection Control
- Expriential Learning Course
- Covid Awareness-Punjabi
- Pedagogy of Mathematics
- Laboratory Sample collection and Testing
- Covid -19 stress
- CBSE Pre Vocational education
- CBSE Maapdand purv vyavsaik shiksha
- CTSA Maapdand purv vyavsaik shiksha
- AEES_ vidyalai siksha mai nai pahle
- As_ Pedagogy of Environmental studies
- Competency- based education- module2
- Essentials- Module 2
- Essentials of COVID
- Infection prevention and control
- Participant Detail_Ministry of Ayush
- Pratibhagi vivran raksha mantralay
- AEES_Initiatives in school education
- As_ Ganit ka Shikshashastra
- As_pedagogy of Mathematics
- BR_Maapdand-Purv-vyavsaik siksha
- CHD_Pre-vocational education
- Competency-based education-Module 2
- Competency-based education-Module 4
- Competency-based education-Module 1
- CHD Maapdand Purv-vyavsaik siksha
- CG_14 Vidyalay shiksha mai nai pehle
- AEES_covid-19 scenario Addressing challenges
- AEES_understanding rights child sexual abuse
- Competency based education –module 1
Name of the Training attended IN HOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY:
- Story Telling by Madhuban Publication
- Lesson Plan
- Schoology
Duration of the Training: 12 hours
Total number of trainings organized by CBSE: 44
Total number of trainings organized by DIKSHA: 58
Total number of trainings organized by NISHTHA: NIL
Total number of trainings organized INHOUSE OR ANY OTHER AGENCY: 3